Back-to-School SEL Practices from Valerie Rhames, an inspiring classroom teacher
We met Valerie Rhames, a first-grade teacher in New York City, at the New York City Elementary School Principals Association in March of 2024. She was a very active participant at our workshop Differentiated SEL: Equity and Access for Students …

SuperDville in Summer Program for Kids with Learning Differences
As May is the month of creativity, we decided to showcase how a district in Colorado uses SuperDville in a unique and inspiring way in their Summer Programming for kids with learning differences. Megan Turner, SuperDville’s Education Program Manager, interviewed …

Announcing the Winners of our first SuperDville Microgrant!
This fall, we invited educators to apply to our “SEL for Students Who Learn Differently Microgrant.” As part of our application, we asked teachers to share their school’s need for SuperDville’s differentiated Social Emotional Learning curriculum and their vision for …