Success Stories
Parents, Teachers, and Educators LOVE SuperDville. Here's what they have to say!
What Educators are Saying…

This is such a phenomenal program for our student body. Our teachers and staff are looking forward to this resource and are excited to implement the program into a Social Emotional Learning morning meeting with all of our students. We can't imagine a better way to start our day with our student body and hope this will help them as they are inspired from peers who have the same SuperPowers they do. We appreciate all the research, effort, and dedication you all put into this program and can see what a benefit it will be to everyone at our school. Thank you again.
Rebecca Miller
Librarian Phoenix Academy Omaha

SuperDville really helped our students to understand that they weren’t alone. And that was the biggest thing: they weren’t the only ones struggling, they weren’t the only ones with disabilities and gave them a lot of ideas on [...] how they could deal with the things they were struggling with.
Beatrice G.
Elementary School Teacher

I LOVE the activities/lessons that you created to go with the videos. I have used several and referred back to them throughout this year. For example, I’ve said ‘Your amazing brain has a lot of facts about butterflies!’ Thanks for sharing and teaching us so much.
Marianne Agner
Special Education Teacher, Dyslexia Therapist, Stillman School

I just love this. I was in tears, just knowing how our dyslexic students will feel with this new group of friends. This is just what I needed in school, well done. I am only sorry that I did not know about it before now. I am off to SuperDville!!!!!!!!
Norma-Jean Richardson
The Reading Clinic Bermuda, Teacher

The single most important implication of research in dyslexia is making sure that we do not miss the unique potential of each child. SuperDville provides an environment where children can celebrate their unique contributions within the context of a supportive community.
Maryanne Wolf
Director, Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice, UCLA; Author, Proust and the Squid

The lessons of the Super D! Show help arm young people with fortitude and skills that can help them reach their potential. I wish we had this when I was a kid!
Dr. Matthew H. Schneps
Director, Laboratory for Visual Learning, MIT. Advisor, The Magic School Bus and Bill Nye The Science Guy

How great to have a show that kids with learning differences can relate to! It's priceless to watch the smiles break out as they relate to the episodes and actors. I make sure every student I work with knows about this series!
Liz McCormack
Dyslexia Therapist, former Special Education Teacher

The Super D! Show is a creative and effective resource, one that should be added to every teachers' tool bag.
Tony Pedriana
Author, Leaving Johnny Behind. Former Public School Principal

I love how the children are proud to have dyslexia and how this show demonstrates their strengths and highlights strategies that help them, and I love the idea of a 'Super D!' solution!
Jacyın Paris
Lillian, Guidance Counselor, PS 124, NYC
“It’s not a cartoon, it’s real life people! Kids their age experiencing some of the challenges they may experience.”
What Parents are Saying…

Super D! truly fills a void that parents like me are seeking for our kids with LD.
Lyn Pollard
Founding Parent, Decoding Dyslexia TX

Our girls just loved the Super D! Show. It is so creative and speaks to the problems dyslexics face all the time. My 8 year old is still singing Suzie Sing's speech since she watched the Suzie Sing' episode. Thanks a lot!
Mother of Eleanor (8) and Sofia (6)

I love the positive message, I love how each time is a different little scenario, and different sort of resilience. That’s one of the biggest things for my daughter.
Parent to 6 year old girl with Dyslexia

He loves the episodes because he likes seeing kids like himself who are solving problems getting things done. he also likes the activities--he has enjoyed every single activity that we've done!

[My son] really resonated with Ari and came to me after the session was over and said he no longer feels bad about himself anymore and feels okay to be "different".

I'm so happy we've found you guys…I just wanted to say thank you for the work that you're doing.

I think the biggest one that really hit home was the video about stress. [...] It was kind of like a light bulb went off because the kids could recognize that we're all different, and we all deal with stress in a different way. They also liked the humor involved too. It was funny, and light even though it was a serious topic. I really am impressed; I think it's a great program.

My daughter loves it, and I like having a little curriculum to follow to help her learn about her strengths.

"I really like the concept of the student actors having learning differences and I think these are topics my kids can relate to.