SuperDville Presents...
The SuperD! Show and W.U.N.D.R (Wacky, Underground, NeuroDivergent, Reporters)

A Guide to Using SuperDville’s Videos and Companion Curriculum

Learn about all that our episodes and companion curriculum have to offer; from hands-on activities, intro letters for parents, SEL booklists, motivational printables and more. Watch our seven-minute tutorial and you will be ready to use SuperDville in any classroom, library, after-school setting or at home.

Scope and Sequence

All of our episodes include the five core CASEL competencies. Our research team identified three additional competencies for children with LD (belonging, learning goals, and resilience). Read our Elementary School White Paper and read our Middle School White Paper to find out more.

Our episode sequencing is research-based, with consideration of the developmentally appropriate stages for introducing each SEL theme.

Themes are repeated in multiple episodes, as repetition is crucial to a young learner’s mastery of new concepts. The video storylines become more advanced but they allow students to practice some of the same SEL themes from grade to grade.

3rd Grade

The third-grade sequence emphasizes the foundational work of self-acceptance, creating a positive identity that will help students avoid developing shame around their academic achievement by:

  • Exploring how everyone’s brain learns differently
  • Discovering ways to build self-confidence
  • Helping each student to accept and embrace the unique way their brain works
  • Using their new confidence and acceptance skills to advocate for themselves

The skills included in the third grade series are: SELF-AWARENESS LEARNING GOALS BELONGING

6th Grade

The 6th grade sequence deepens many of the themes present in the earlier grades while introducing new skills to meet the increased responsibilities of middle school academics and growing social awareness of preadolescent students.

  • Leveraging strengths to independently overcome challenges
  • Navigating conflict in peer relationships
  • Taking ownership of learning with self-advocacy strategies

The skills included in this series are: RESILIENCE BELONGING LEARNING GOALS

  • Build family engagement by sending home the prewritten parent letter introducing SuperDville and offering caregivers access to the episodes and discussion guides in multiple languages!
  • Select read alouds from the reading list that complement the SEL themes your students are working on.
  • Utilize the anchor chart suggestions (you can either print the documents directly from the site or use them as guides to create poster size graphics for your classroom).
  • Round out the year by sending home certificates of completion to help students build a sense of accomplishment.

(Episodes and Curriculum in Spanish will be available by the end of the year.)

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